War Summary, Day 494: Previously missing Israeli determined killed by Hamas on Oct 7, Security Cabinet votes to follow both of Trump’s outlines, PM Netanyahu issues unclear hostage ultimatum, IDF prepared for immediate return to war, Operation Gates of Hell outlined, and King Abdullah of Jordan meets President Trump.
Who Said Smartphones Are Good for Summer Camp?
From the Anash.org Inbox: A fellow bochur mentioned that it was time for him to get a smartphone with WhatsApp to prepare for camp, “letovas hashlichus.” I have seen myself how counselors having smartphones is a disaster for both the counselors and the campers.
Throwing Out Extra Bread?
Anash.org feature: Dayan Levi Yitzchok Raskin, Rov of Anash in London, explores interesting Torah questions and halachic dilemmas including blood from chapped lips, disposing of extra bread, mairiv with a minyan before nightfall, and baking bread in a fleishig oven.
Live: Project Chana Woman’s Power Hour
Live at 8:30 PM: Project Chana Woman’s Power Hour featuring Rabbi Nissan Zibell on Food from Eretz Yisroel, Rabbi Yosef Braun on non-Jewish help on Shabbos, and Rabbi Berel Bell on Women and Davening.
Our Communities
Trying to Lein Megilah? The Purim Torah Trainer is for You!
Are you trying to learn the Megilah laining, but are having a hard time? What you need is the Purim Torah Trainer, a popular tool by The Mitzvah Club which has helped hundreds of bochurim, shluchim, and anash, master leining the Megilah.
Traveling Chabad Photographer Captures Life in Myanmar
Traveling Chabad photographer, Meir Alfasi, visited his 110th country and embarked on an adventurous journey to Myanmar, where he photographed the Matzmiach Yeshuah shul, the Jewish cemetery, and life in this faraway land.
Kinus Tzeirei Hashluchos Announces Head Staff
As Young Shluchos around the world eagerly countdown until the Kinus Tzeirei Hashluchos taking place next week, the Shluchim Office announces the head staff leading this year’s program.
Historic Yechidus Audio was Redacted by Instruction
Audio of a yechidus with renowned posek Harav Menashe Klein, covering a wide range of halachic and communal topics, has been released after 42 years – with a portion of it removed. The Rebbe suggested creating a registry of all verified Yidden, but later retracted it, instructing that it be omitted from the transcript.
Argentina Head Shliach Inspired Heads of Mosdos to Hiskashrus
Ahead of Yud Shvat, shluchim, head of mosdos, and rabbonim from across Eretz Yisroel gathered at 770 in Kfar Chabad for an uplifting evening of hiskashrus, chizuk, and spiritual elevation. The guest of honor was head shliach to Argentina, HaRav Tzvi Grunblat.
Philadelphia Campus Shliach Inspires Kingston Anash
Following an uplifting Shabbos of shiurim and farbrengens in honor of Yud Shvat, Anash of Kingston PA gathered on Motzei Shabbos for an uplifting farbrengen with veteran Philadelphia shliach Rabbi Menachem Schmidt and community rov, Harav Gedalya Oberlander.
Women to Gather for ‘Spiritual Oasis’ in Panama City
Spanish-speaking Jewish women from around the world are gathering in Panama City for a unique spiritual retreat. Organized by Merkos 302’s Spanish Desk, the trip blends immersive Jewish learning with the rich culture of a thriving Jewish community.
War Day 493: IDF on High Alert, PA Pretends to Cancel “Pay for Slay”
War Summary, Day 493: Hamas threatened not to release the next three hostages this Shabbat, Trump calls for ALL hostages to be released by Shabbat noon, IDF Southern Command on full readiness, high alert, PA pretending to cancel “pay for slay”, EU diplomats come out in support of pro-terror bookshop owner, and IDF demolishing Hezbollah homes in Lebanon.
Community Leaders Call on Residents to Join Vaad Hakohol Drive
Crown Heights thrives when every member takes responsibility. Rabbonim, mashpi’im, askanim, and community leaders are united in one message: Every resident should support the Vaad Hakohol and Beis Din by becoming a Crown Heights Community Member.
Trump’s Stark Ultimatum to Hamas: Release Them by Shabbos
At a press briefing with reporters today at the White House, President Donald Trump issued an ultimatum for the release of the hostages: either every single hostage is returned by Shabbos noon, or there will be severe consequences for Hamas.
16-year-old Melbourne Mesivta Bochur Completes Shas
In an incredible show of dedication and diligence, 16-year-old Motti Abenaim, a talmid at Mesivta Oholei Yosef Yitzchok Lubavitch in Melbourne, completed the entire Shas. His remarkable achievement was celebrated with a grand Siyum with a crowd of esteemed rabbonim, Anash, family, and friends.
Avraham Fried Sings Rabbi Levi’s Last Song at Shiva House
On the night before his passing in the Poconos, Rabbi Levi Wolosow sang a heartfelt “Tzama nafshi lei’lokim” with Avraham Fried. Now, Avraham Fried visited his shiva home in New Jersey to sing the same song with his sons.
Chicago Teen’s Mitzvos Come Full Circle With Hostage’s Release
When 15-year-old Leah Notik from Chicago took a request from hostage Agam Berger’s mother to heart, she never expected to see such clear results. But when Agam was finally freed on her own birthday, the timing was impossible to ignore.
Shluchos Farbrengen is a Time to be Treated and Inspired
The Shluchim Office announces this year’s lineup for the annual Shluchos Farbrengen. It is an opportunity for the Shluchos to relax, feel treated out and enjoy an inspiring and uplifting Farbrengen together.
Help a Chosson Cover the Costs of His Own Wedding
A young chosson is reaching out with a heartfelt request to Anash for assistance in covering the expenses of his upcoming wedding which has fallen upon him. The campaign is backed by Chabad Rabbonim of Yerushalayim.
770 Farbrengen Marked 75 Years of the Rebbe’s Nesius
Thousands of Bochurim, Shluchim, and Anash packed 770 on Motzei Shabbos for a joyous melava malka and farbrengen, celebrating 75 years of the Rebbe’s nesius.
Beis Din Majority: 2 vs 1, 2 or 3?
Anash.org Feature: This week’s Iyun Podcast by Rabbi Binyomin Bitton, director of the Tzfunot Institute, discusses the Rebbe and the Rogatchover on the definition of the majority principle in court decisions; whether the minority opinion still holds in some form, it is canceled altogether, or the minority in fact joins the majority.
Crown Heights Mobilizing to Host and Assist Shluchos
As thousands of Shluchos from around the world prepare to arrive in Crown Heights for the International Kinus Hashluchos, the legendary community is once again stepping up to ensure they feel welcomed and supported. With a record number of attendees, the need for assistance is greater than ever.