Five Manchester mosdos – Yeshivas Lubavitch Manchester, OYY Lubavitch Boys School, Beis Menachem Community Center, The Minyan, and B’Or Chabad – have come together in a united campaign to better serve the Lubavitch and broader community with learning, connection, and communal life.
Freed Russian Hostage Puts on Tefillin for the First Time
Freed hostage Sasha Troufanov, who was released from Hamas captivity on Shabbos after 498 days of captivity, put on tefillin for the first time with Russia’s Chief Rabbi Berel Lazar, who gifted him his own paid or tefillin with his own custom tefillin bag.
Mikvah ‘Bor Al Gabei Bor’
Ask the Rov: The mikvah is full, and water overflows into the water channel during tevilah. Is that an issue? Rabbi Chaim Hillel Raskin responds.
Rabbi Gutnick Meets Defense Minister, Presents Rebbe’s Dollars
Rabbi Yossel Gutnick, shliach of the Rebbe for Shleimus Haaretz, met with Israel’s new Minister of Defense, Yisrael Katz, conveying to him the Rebbe’s stance on Eretz Yisroel’s security and gifted him dollars from the Rebbe, as well as Hebrew and English books of the Rebbe’s view.
Rabbi Chaim Tzvi Kenig, 49, AH
Rabbi Chaim Tzvi Kenig, shliach to Moshav Hoshaya in northern Eretz Yisroel and author of a sefer on pesukim for one’s name, passed away on Friday, 16 Shvat, after battling a severe illness.
Our Communities
Victims of the Crown Heights Fire Lost Everything
On Friday morning, a fire in Crown Heights sent four bochurim to the hospital, and 15 bochurim lost all their belongings, including tefillin, passports, money, and clothes. A campaign was launched to cover their basic necessities.
War Day 498: Three Hostages Released, Trump Will Back Whatever Israel Chooses
War Summary, Day 498: Three hostages released, Hamas sent a cruel gift to hostage mother, 369 terrorists released responsible for hundreds of murders, Netanyahu’s next steps unknown but seems intent on returning more hostages through the deal, Trump says he back’s whatever Israel’s choice, IDF drone strike in Gaza, IDF eliminates Hezbollah surveillance drone launcher, and Hezbollah supporters riot against decision to block Iran’s cash flights.
Mrs. Sterna Kalmanson, 66, AH
Mrs. Sterna Kalmanson, the wife of Rabbi Yechiel Menachem Mendel Kalmanson, Rosh Yeshiva of the Tomchei Temimim Yeshiva in Brunoy, France, passed away on Friday night, 17 Shvat.
Personal Recollections Convey the Rebbetzin’s Warmth and Wisdom
In a newly released recording, Mrs. Esther Sternberg provides a rare and intimate glimpse into the life of the Rebbetzin. Notably, she speaks about the histalkus, which she was one of the few to witness firsthand. “I feel like it happened yesterday,” she said.
The Rebbe Was Holding My Hand
At a farbrengen at the Bais Levy Yitzchak shul in Pomona, NY, longtime mechanech Rabbi Yossi Bukiet shared many heartwarming stories of the Rebbe. We are pleased to bring you a collection of these stories.
He Looked Just Like the Alter Rebbe Without the Scar
The Alter Rebbe‘s second son, Reb Chaim Avraham, looked very similar to his father. When the Alter Rebbe’s picture was shown to the mashpia Reb Hendel, he thought it was Reb Chaim Avraham, until he noticed the scar on the nose.
Seven Injured, Three Critical in Crown Heights Fire
A fast-moving fire broke out on Friday morning in a private residence on Eastern Parkway near Brooklyn Avenue, leaving seven people injured—some critically. Please say Tehillim for Shmuel ben Devorah Leah, Shmuel ben Merav, Hillel ben Hila Feiga, and Boruch Yehuda ben Yehudis.
Rabbi Abba Dovid Gurevitch, 88, AH
Rabbi Abba Dovid Gurevitch, who practiced Yiddishkeit under Communism, and became shliach to Tashkent, Uzbekistan, and Head Shliach of Central Asia, passed away on Friday, 16 Shvat.
“Place These Words in The Pocket of Your Heart”
The beginning of Tanya’s Perek Mem Alef was recommended not only for Yiras Shomayim, but also for bitachon and calm. When Tzfas shliach R’ Aharon Leizer Tzeitlin felt downhearted from financial woes, the Rebbe advised him to memorize and remember its message in his heart.
Picture of the Day
Harav Michel Shurkin, Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshivas Toras Moshe in Yerushalayim and a close talmid of Harav Moshe Feinstein, stopped in 770 to daven shachris, after which he posed for a photo with a relative.
War Day 496: Terror Attack Foiled, Rocket from Gaza Falls in Gaza
War Summary, Day 496: Indications that Israel won’t return to war if only three hostages are released on Shabbos, rocket fired from Gaza lands in Gaza, 90 arrested this week in Shomron, terror suspect rushes IDF base on a horse, major attack by Arabs with Israeli citizenship prevented, and Lebanon blocks flight from Tehran with riots ensuing in response.
Mayor of Canada’s Jewish Town is Jewish and Proud
With the spike in antisemitism across Canada, Hampstead, where Jews make up more than 75 percent of the population, went against the tide. Mayor Jeremy Levi stood up for Yiddishkeit and Eretz Yisroel, erecting an extra menorah for a neighboring down and imposing a large fine for tearing down hostage posters.
NYPD and Chabad Hold Security Meeting Ahead of Women’s Kinus
With unprecedented participation expected at the conference this year, members of the Kinus committee met with representatives of various New York City law enforcement agencies yesterday in preparation for the annual International Conference of Shluchos taking place next week.
Ener-Jew Concludes Uplifting Jewish Youth Seminar
Over 100 Jewish teenagers from across Ukraine joined the four-day EnerJew Winter Seminar. In an incredible miracle, they narrowly avoided tragedy when a last-minute technical issue prompted organizers to change venues from the Bristol Hotel that was hit by a Russian missile.
Timeless Treasures Travels Back in Time to the Beis Hamikdash
Master storyteller Rabbi Sholem Perl of Timeless Treasures has released an exciting new story, Imagine Beyond, a captivating tale of a travel back in time to the Beis Hamikdash filled with description and sound effects bringing the avoda to life for listeners of all ages.
Belzer Rebbe Astounded by Shluchim’s Work in Russia
In a visit with the Belzer Rebbe in Yerushalayim, Chief Rabbi of Russia, Rabbi Berel Lazar, shared some of the growth in Yiddishe life and the revolution of Torah brought about through the Rebbe’s shluchim.
Unanswered Questions, Unquestioned Answers
As a young yeshiva student, Dr. David Portowicz had questions about Darwins’s theory of evolution and wrote to the Rebbe. In his response, the Rebbe answered his question, but also advised him what he should focus on.
NYC Offering Up to $2,475 for Youth Summer Jobs
New York City is offering youth ages 16 to 24 the opportunity to earn up to $2,475 this summer through. This is a unique opportunity for both bochurim and girls, as well as the frum day camps and overnight camps. Registration is closing on 30 Shevat.
Do Dried Fruits Need a Hechsher?
Whether eating fruits on Tu B’Shvat or year-round, learn which fruits require a hechsher and how to check for insects.