Harav Michel Shurkin, Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshivas Toras Moshe in Yerushalayim and a close talmid of Harav Moshe Feinstein, stopped in 770 to daven shachris, after which he posed for a photo with a relative.
War Day 496: Terror Attack Foiled, Rocket from Gaza Falls in Gaza
War Summary, Day 496: Indications that Israel won’t return to war if only three hostages are released on Shabbos, rocket fired from Gaza lands in Gaza, 90 arrested this week in Shomron, terror suspect rushes IDF base on a horse, major attack by Arabs with Israeli citizenship prevented, and Lebanon blocks flight from Tehran with riots ensuing in response.
Mayor of Canada’s Jewish Town is Jewish and Proud
With the spike in antisemitism across Canada, Hampstead, where Jews make up more than 75 percent of the population, went against the tide. Mayor Jeremy Levi stood up for Yiddishkeit and Eretz Yisroel, erecting an extra menorah for a neighboring down and imposing a large fine for tearing down hostage posters.
NYPD and Chabad Hold Security Meeting Ahead of Women’s Kinus
With unprecedented participation expected at the conference this year, members of the Kinus committee met with representatives of various New York City law enforcement agencies yesterday in preparation for the annual International Conference of Shluchos taking place next week.
Ener-Jew Concludes Uplifting Jewish Youth Seminar
Over 100 Jewish teenagers from across Ukraine joined the four-day EnerJew Winter Seminar. In an incredible miracle, they narrowly avoided tragedy when a last-minute technical issue prompted organizers to change venues from the Bristol Hotel that was hit by a Russian missile.
Our Communities
Timeless Treasures Travels Back in Time to the Beis Hamikdash
Master storyteller Rabbi Sholem Perl of Timeless Treasures has released an exciting new story, Imagine Beyond, a captivating tale of a travel back in time to the Beis Hamikdash filled with description and sound effects bringing the avoda to life for listeners of all ages.
Belzer Rebbe Astounded by Shluchim’s Work in Russia
In a visit with the Belzer Rebbe in Yerushalayim, Chief Rabbi of Russia, Rabbi Berel Lazar, shared some of the growth in Yiddishe life and the revolution of Torah brought about through the Rebbe’s shluchim.
Unanswered Questions, Unquestioned Answers
As a young yeshiva student, Dr. David Portowicz had questions about Darwins’s theory of evolution and wrote to the Rebbe. In his response, the Rebbe answered his question, but also advised him what he should focus on.
NYC Offering Up to $2,475 for Youth Summer Jobs
New York City is offering youth ages 16 to 24 the opportunity to earn up to $2,475 this summer through. This is a unique opportunity for both bochurim and girls, as well as the frum day camps and overnight camps. Registration is closing on 30 Shevat.
Do Dried Fruits Need a Hechsher?
Whether eating fruits on Tu B’Shvat or year-round, learn which fruits require a hechsher and how to check for insects.
War Day 495: Hamas in Paranoia, Egypt Violates Camp David Accords
War Summary, Day 495: Israel maintains vagueness about hostages expected to be released, Katz says a return to war will “allow the realization of Trump’s vision”, Hamas only plans to release three hostages this Shabbat, smuggling into Gaza has already resumed, Gaza received 3,000 calories of food per person per day, IDF again warns about Iran smuggling funds to Hezbollah, USAID send hundreds of millions to Hamas, and Egypt at highest level of preparedness for war.
Remembering the Legacy of R’ Yitzchak and Zelda Nemes
An international stamp dealer and a devoted chossid, R’ Yitzchak Nemes had a deep connection to the Rebbe and a strong commitment to Mivtza Tefillin. Mrs. Zelda Nemes was a legendary educator, shaping the lives of thousands of students over nearly six decades. A new book tells their life stories.
15th of Shevat: Rosh Hashana for Trees
The 15th day of Shevat, commonly referred to as “Tu B’Shevat,” is the ‘Rosh Hashana’ of trees and is marked by eating fruits. Read about its minhagim and watch the Rebbe celebrate the day.
Note to Self About My Davening
Op-ed by Shaul Nemtzov: “Remember when you used to sit in Yeshiva, watching that businessman rush through Shacharis? The way he’d burst in, Tallis half-on, catching up to the Minyan somewhere between Boruch She’amar and Yishtabach? Remember how you judged him (though you tried not to), thinking ‘I’ll never be like him’?”
Impressive Teshuros at Wolf-Lazar Wedding in Eretz Yisroel
A special memento was distributed tonight at the wedding of Sholom Dovber Wolf, son of Rabbi Avraham Wolf, Head Shliach of Odessa and Southern Ukraine, and Rivka Lazar, daughter of Rabbi Berel Lazar, Head Shliach and Chief Rabbi of Russia: the latest volume of Toras Menachem on Yomim Tovim.
44th Siyum Harambam to be Held at Bedford Union Armory
The International Rambam Celebration Committee has announced that the 44th Siyum Harambam will be celebrated at the historic Bedford Union Armory – Crown Heights, on Sunday, 2 Adar (March 2). The large venue will accommodate the many men, women, and children who will attend.
400 Rabbis to Trump: “Returning to the Deal is a Victory for Evil”
Over 400 rabbonim sent a strong letter to U.S. President Donald Trump, urging him to oppose returning to any further agreements that would involve releasing terrorists. “It was precisely the release of terrorists in past deals that led to the horrors of October 7,” they wrote.
New Course Will Prepare You For Pesach
A new 6 week course by Machon Lehoraa Online Smicha and taught by Rabbi Nachman Wilhelm, will offer an interactive and resourceful structure to cover the Halachos most relevant for the Yom Tov of Pesach: The halachos of Hagolas Kelim and Tevilas Kelim.
Inspiring Shabbaton in Wales for Manchester Boys Minyan
Over 30 teens from the Lubavitch Boys Minyan of Manchester gathered in Llandudno, Wales, over Shabbos Yud Shevat for a Shabbaton led by Rabbi Levi Wineberg and Mr. Max Cohen for a weekend of spiritual growth, camaraderie, and adventure.
Aesthetic Shul Opens Its Doors in Moscow Suberb
An elegant shul was inaugurated in the Alexeyevsky District of Moscow by Chief Rabbi Berel Lazar and shliach Rabbi Avrohom Gewirtz. No effort was spared in designing this small shul to be a beautiful space for davening and learning.
‘Kol Atzmosai’: Chassidishe Artist Blends Nigunim and Visual Art
Lubavitcher artist and singer Shmulik Sofer used both of his talents in a newly released music video including a heartfelt rendition of the nigun “Kol Atzmosai” taught by his great-grandfather, R’ Zalman Levin AH.
Joyous Celebration as Community Welcomes Two New Torahs
On Sunday, a special siyum and hachnosas sefer Torah took place in Crown Heights, as the Anshei Lubavitch community welcomed two new sifrei Torah into their newly renovated shul, with hakofos, a seudas mitvzah, and a chassidishe farbrengen.
War Day 494: Jordan’s King Meets Trump, Netanyahu Vague on Adopting Ultimatum
War Summary, Day 494: Previously missing Israeli determined killed by Hamas on Oct 7, Security Cabinet votes to follow both of Trump’s outlines, PM Netanyahu issues unclear hostage ultimatum, IDF prepared for immediate return to war, Operation Gates of Hell outlined, and King Abdullah of Jordan meets President Trump.
Who Said Smartphones Are Good for Summer Camp?
From the Anash.org Inbox: A fellow bochur mentioned that it was time for him to get a smartphone with WhatsApp to prepare for camp, “letovas hashlichus.” I have seen myself how counselors having smartphones is a disaster for both the counselors and the campers.